Strawberry Class
Welcome to our Strawberry Class, with Lucy as Room Leader and Nursery assistants- Katrina and Nicola,
Our Strawberry classroom welcomes children from 2 years of age.
A natural spacious room with lots of different activities on offer each day and a cosy carpet area where children enjoy daily circle times, stories and take their naps.
Children all have their own trays where they can keep their comforters and safely store their artwork and crafts ready to bring home.
Key person
All children at St Paul’s Childcare have their own key person who will be the child’s primary caregiver and are the first point of contact for each child and their families- Providing emotional support and individualised care and attention. Your child’s key person will play a vital role in supporting each child’s social and educational development while at St Paul’s Childcare.
Settling in
All families play a key role in settling their child into nursery. We offer two 1 hour settling in sessions where a child’s parent/ carer will stay with their child and get to know the staff, environment and daily routines.
Through making close relationships with adults and peers we concentrate on building self-esteem and self-confidence, while encouraging children to learn through their own interests. The children learn through play, we facilitate this learning by modelling and extending their play.
Throughout a session we engage in malleable materials, painting and creative activities, dressing up, music sessions, sensory play and outdoor play. Sand and/ or water is always available, along with many forms of media for mark making. You will notice that some activities are always available within the room- role play, books/cosy corner, puzzles and floor based small world play.
While children may not always bring a project/craft activity home every day, they will be enjoying sensory play and messy activities.
2 Year Checks
To monitor children’s learning and development each child will have a 2-year development check completed by their Key person. Families will receive a copy of this via our electronic journal. This information can then be shared with their health visitor for the child’s 2-year health check.
Rest and Sleep
Nursery days can be very busy, and children often need naps throughout the day. Children use sleep mats provided with blankets and rest listening to relaxing sleep music. Children are always supervised at sleep times and all naps are logged on our electronic journal. The wishes of parents regarding sleep are valued and taken into consideration, and we work closely with parents to make sure individual needs are met.
When children are ready to move up to the next classroom, families will be notified and short visits with a familiar adult from the strawberry classroom will accompany the child and settle them in to their new classroom.